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Public Tickets

Ariane Seydel Customize cart iconClosed   WPC Fly Cart   Updated September 30, 2020 at 3:29am   3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Ariane,Please try to add below CSS code to WP-Admin → Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS: .woofc-menu-item-inner i { display: none !important; } .woofc-menu-item-inner:before { ... Eike Westendorf How to increase thumbnail picture size?Closed   WPC Frequently Bought Together   Updated September 30, 2020 at 1:52am   5 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:You're welcome!If you are satisfied with our plugin and support, please reward it with a full five-star ★★★★★ rating. ... Jaime Plus one / minus one complete bundleClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 29, 2020 at 10:43am   6 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad that it was solved. I'll close your ticket now. Feel free to submit a new one in case you encounter any issues at any time.  Have a nice day and best reg ... Damien Cant get the $_post['woosb_ids'] to update the cart, it got the initial woosb_idsClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 29, 2020 at 7:38am   3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Damien,Please turn off the "AJAX add to cart on the single product page", it may be located in the theme's settings.After that, you can try our plugin ... Daniel Add to wishlist not showing on single product pageClosed   WPC Smart Wishlist   Updated September 29, 2020 at 7:21am   3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Daniel,On the loop or single product page, you only need to use the shortcode without product ID: [woosw]If you want to use the PHP code, please add: It will get the ID of the current product auto ... Edwin Would like to not show prices on the bundles list for a particular productClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 28, 2020 at 11:02pm   4 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Edwin,Please add below CSS code to WP-Admin → Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS: .woosb-bundles .woosb-price { display: none; } Edwin Incorrect checkout total with Booster multiple currency turned onClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 28, 2020 at 1:35pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Edwin, Thank you for reporting this to us. I have assigned one of our developers to check that. He’ll be looking into the mentioned issue and responding as soon as finding a solution. Hopefully, ... Dave PriceClosed   WPC Grouped Product   Updated September 26, 2020 at 6:42am   4 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Dave,Thanks for your clarification.In that case, you can either use the WPC Product Bundles or WPC Composite Products plugin.- WPC Product Bundles allows users to manually add products to an item l ... Nicolas Decimal quantity got rounded up to 1 once in the cart and impossible to go below 1Closed   WPC Product Quantity   Updated September 26, 2020 at 6:30am   3 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Nicolas,  Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad that it was solved. I'll close your ticket now. Feel free to submit a new one in case you encounter any issues at any time.  Have a nice d ... lee bundle main image is wrongClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 25, 2020 at 10:46pm   1 Most recent comment from lee:I am using the smart bundle to adding 2 products into the bundle, I set a different image for the main product image for the bundle, after I published the bundle product, the main image is not using t ... Dennis Cobble Product bundlesClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 25, 2020 at 2:12pm   3 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Dennis,Thanks for contacting us here.In case you would like to let your customers to choose any combination of products included in the bundled item list, you just need to manually search and add t ... tal hide simple productClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 25, 2020 at 2:02pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Tal,Thanks for contacting us here.Do you mean you would like to hide the bundled product included in a smart bundle in the bundle page? Well, technically, it's impossible since it's nece ... jason liss Incorporating Woo Subscriptions Cart UpgradeClosed   WPC Fly Cart   Updated September 24, 2020 at 1:27pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Jason,  Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum.  We’ve received your ticket and assigned one of our developers to help you with that.  He’ll be looking into your question and respon ... Diego removing the "this product is part of these bundles" partClosed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 23, 2020 at 1:50pm   4 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Diego,Sorry, I reread your description, you can find that option in plugin setting, under Bundles section: ... Loris Cannot add to cart - "Amount is a mandatory field"Closed   WPC Product Bundles   Updated September 23, 2020 at 12:41pm   6 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Loris,Thanks for your feedback. It's seemingly a problem of caching/cookies on your site only. I haven't done anything on your site yet. Since it's working again, I'll close yo ...