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Public Tickets

Goga WPC Smart Product Collections for WooCommerceClosed   Other Plugins   Updated July 11, 2023 at 8:29am   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Goga,Thanks for contacting us here.For your information, the shortcode [wpcpc] is for inserting into single product pages to show all the collection that product is added to. It's nor for show ... Sabbir WPC Bulk Editor plugin is not working with WPML MulticurrencyClosed   Other Plugins   Updated July 10, 2023 at 8:45am   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Sabbir, Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We're not available at the weekends so today (Monday) I am able to process your ticket. For your information, not just this plugin, we h ... Sabbir Different Product Title and short description for different VariationsClosed   Other Plugins   Updated July 10, 2023 at 12:46am   19 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Thank you so much! Rahul WPC Save For Later for WooCommerceClosed   Other Plugins   Updated July 5, 2023 at 6:53am   3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Rahul,Please update our plugin to the latest version 3.0.0, we've implemented this feature.You can try it here Sabbir Dev Tools Console failed to load some assetsClosed   Other Plugins   Updated July 4, 2023 at 4:27am   6 Most recent comment from Sabbir:Great Man!!! The problem solved with the updated plugin you shared...Thank a lot :) ikaroweb WPC Sticky Add To Cart for WooCommerceClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 30, 2023 at 2:43pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Ikaroweb,Thanks for contacting us here.Unfortunately, that is impossible with our plugin. Since the variation selector on the Sticky bar might be in conflict with the main selector of the main prod ... Chun Lee Question before purchasingClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 21, 2023 at 2:20pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Chun,Thanks for your question.We haven't received any reports about issues regarding caches with this plugin. The result might depend on the caching plugin you're using as well. To be su ... wasi Plugin not workingClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 19, 2023 at 1:18pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Wasi,Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We're not available at the weekends so today (Monday) I am able to process your ticket. For your information, this plugin doesn’t have an ... Christopher popup plugin for quick shoppingClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 19, 2023 at 1:07pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Christopher, Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We're not available at the weekends so today (Monday) I am able to process your ticket. You can try our Smart Quick View for WooCom ... paolaozzanoperez SMART COLLECTIONSClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 16, 2023 at 4:42pm   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Paolaozzanoperez, Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum.  We’ve received your ticket. However, the description is not enough for us to find the cause of the problem.  Please some mor ... Sabbir Thank you for everything :)Closed   Other Plugins   Updated June 16, 2023 at 4:35pm   4 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Sabbir,Thanks for your patience.I have got a response from our developers that this is possible to be added in the next plugin update. However, this is available in the Premium version of this pl ... Mark Plugin "WPC Show Single Variations 1.2.0" doesn't work with Elementor/Hello ThemeClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 13, 2023 at 8:48am   5 Most recent comment from mateomateohudso:Make sure you have the latest version of the "WPC Show Single Variations" plugin installed. Developers often release updates to address compatibility issues and bug fixes. Verify if the Hello Theme yo ... Adam WPC AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce - prevent send form if input is requiredClosed   Other Plugins   Updated June 7, 2023 at 3:26am   3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Adam,Please give me a product link that has this issue then I can check.For more quickly, please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, password) then I can check and fix it f ... Odile Matthijsse Estimated Delivery Date PluginClosed   Other Plugins   Updated May 31, 2023 at 8:07am   6 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Odile,Yes, I can help you add a snippet to show the estimated delivery date on the confirmation email or/and in the order details when you using the premium version. Ema Olivia Taking guidenceClosed   Other Plugins   Updated May 31, 2023 at 8:06am   2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Ema,Thanks for contacting us here.Please describe your issue in detail with some images and links to that I can get your problems. Which plugins of our team are youKJHGZC using? Which version you ...