Public Tickets All Categories Refund/ Invoice Request (306) WPC Product Bundles (1,117) WPC Frequently Bought Together (367) WPC Composite Products (412) WPC Grouped Product (185) WPC Product Timer (89) WPC Product Quantity (74) WPC Fly Cart (145) WPC Smart Quick View (85) WPC Variations Radio Buttons (42) WPC Smart Compare (73) WPC Price by Quantity (98) WPC Smart Wishlist (73) WPC Force Sells (37) WPC Badge Management (50) WPC Product Tabs (30) WPC Added To Cart Notification (14) WPC Linked Variation (70) WPC Countdown Timer (6) WPC Product Options (37) WPC Variations Table (12) WPC Estimated Delivery Date (26) WPC Price by User Role (10) WPC Admin Columns (11) WPC Smart Linked Products (9) WPC Product Table (10) WPC AJAX Search (17) WPC Smart Notifications (1) WPC Order Tip (17) WPC Product Size Chart (5) WPC Custom Related Products (6) WPC Share Cart (7) WPC Mystery Box (3) WPC Buy Now Button (16) WPC Advanced Password Protect (2) WPC Smart Attribute Groups (3) WPC Product Image Swap (10) WPC Smart Upsell Funnel (5) Other Plugins (319) Kathrin Bloss Hide the single Composit ProductClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 14, 2020 at 2:17am 7 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Kathrin,Sorry for the late reply! I missed this ticket.To show the individual product, please choose one product for each component then set this component is required.Or you can use another plugi ... Simon Nolan Demo Site IssuesClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 13, 2020 at 2:41pm 3 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi Simon,Thanks for your interest in our plugin. Indeed there was an error with our demo site, I have checked and reported to our developers to have them look into this case. However, you can rest ass ... Rafa Carvalhido Help to program discountsClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 14, 2020 at 1:09pm 6 Most recent comment from Rafa Carvalhido:Hello, my problem is not solved yet. Can you help me, please? Heidi-Beate Henningsen Products on sale/campaign with composite productsClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 12, 2020 at 1:19am 4 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi, Thanks for confirming. Sadly, our plugin doesn't support bulk edit as each product will have different settings that require revision individually everytime we make a change. You have to cus ... Micha Paashuis When create order with composite productClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 11, 2020 at 11:07pm 3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Micha,The composite product in the orders have the product type is "composite" and have the meta data with the key "wooco_ids". All component products have the meta data with the key "wooco_parent ... Amir Changing the color of the drop down for parts selectionClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 9, 2020 at 10:31pm 3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Amir,Please add below CSS code to WP-Admin → Appearance → Customizer → Additional CSS: .wooco-components .wooco_component_product_selection .dd-select, .wooco-components .wooco_component_pro ... Patrick Helms Need to set prefix in front of priceClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 6, 2020 at 12:26am 3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Patrick,The price on the composite products was applied the settings of WooCommerce, so you can change it here Javier Figueroa Php function does not apply to the quantity filter of the components.Closed WPC Composite Products Updated February 4, 2020 at 1:42pm 9 Most recent comment from Javier Figueroa:Hi Frankie, I send you the access data to my Wordpress installation. Url: -User: -Pass: -Thanks in advance! Regards! Itay Fichman Presenting components SKUClosed WPC Composite Products Updated February 1, 2020 at 8:31am 3 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Itay,Sorry for the late reply!Yes! I can help change the code to do that.For more quickly, I'll change the code to show the SKU behind the product name. Is that okay? Ahmad Wahid Want to show just one composite product field at a time similar to radio buttonsClosed WPC Composite Products Updated January 27, 2020 at 11:07pm 5 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:As I said before:About your question, you can set min/max for the quantity of each component or the whole composite like this Then the buyer only can choose one of these compo ... Heidi-Beate Henningsen I think there is an errorClosed WPC Composite Products Updated January 22, 2020 at 3:31am 9 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:I've updated version for you to fix the quantity issue.Please clear the browser cache and try again Alex product creationClosed WPC Composite Products Updated January 21, 2020 at 2:54am 4 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Hi Alex,Please ensure that you added the "base price" on General tab in the composite product to show the Add to cart button.If it still doesn't work, please send me your website info (wp-admin ... Fernando Daniel Stal QTY label on components not being translated...Closed WPC Composite Products Updated January 21, 2020 at 2:38am 7 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:Please add below function to current theme (or child-theme) / functions.php: add_filter( 'gettext', 'wooco_gettext', 99, 3 ); function wooco_gettext( $translation, $text, $domain ) ... Fernando Daniel Stal LayoutClosed WPC Composite Products Updated January 10, 2020 at 7:03am 11 Most recent comment from Dustin H.:You're welcome! If you are satisfied, please reward it a full five-star ★★★★★ rating. you in advance! PT REFURB Waiting for a reply for 2 weeks now...Closed WPC Composite Products Updated January 8, 2020 at 11:53pm 2 Most recent comment from Janilyn T.:Hi, I have checked for your other ticket. Our developer has just gone for a business trip for a week so that he's still working on the tickets right now. Sorry for any inconvenience. I have rep ... 1202122232425262728