Hi, I have some variable products. I want to set different quantity for the variations, but I want also different quantity variations per user. Is it possible with your plugin?
i.e.: Product a with two variations: a1,and a2
Normal customers can buy max5 of a1 and max5 of a2
Wholesale customers can buy max5 of a1 and max80 of a2.
Hi, I have some variable products. I want to set different quantity for the variations, but I want also different quantity variations per user. Is it possible with your plugin?
i.e.: Product a with two variations: a1,and a2
Normal customers can buy max5 of a1 and max5 of a2
Wholesale customers can buy max5 of a1 and max80 of a2.
Is it possible?
Hi Gabriee,
Yes, you can do that with the premium version of our plugin: https://wpclever.net/downloads/product-quantity/
Best regards,