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  Public Ticket #3811807
Adding Master Checkbox for all components


  • VickyG started the conversation

    Firstly, I am really loving the WPClever Product Suite! 

    I am mainly using Smart Composites to create Assembly Product Pages which contain many sub-components.

    At the moment, I have enabled for each sub-component to have their checkbox automatically marked/checked when loading each product page.

    This is working perfectly so far. 

    However, we often have the case where the customer will just choose to order 1x single component from the entire assembly.

    For this reason, I would like to know if it is possible to create a custom Master Button underneath the main price , which would allow the user to check/uncheck all the boxes of each sub-component at once (please refer to the attachment).

    Any help would be greatly appreciate. Many thanks in advance!

    Attached files:  Check-Remove All Button Request.png

  •  1,297
    Dustin replied

    Hi VickyG,

    I can help you add a snippet to do that when you use the premium version of our plugin: 

    Best regards,