Hey, so I'm setting up my first Smart Bundle and can't figure out how to set a price for it. On the edit product page, the price is usually in the General Tab but that is empty when I select Smart Bundle as the product type. If I enter a custom display price in the bundled products settings, I can get a price to show up on the product page but it doesn't reflect in the cart. The way this bundle works is they can select any 6 products for $100.
Wanted to add a pic of the General Tab too. If I change the product type to simple or something other than Smart Bundle, the content appears in that general tab again.
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Hey, so I'm setting up my first Smart Bundle and can't figure out how to set a price for it. On the edit product page, the price is usually in the General Tab but that is empty when I select Smart Bundle as the product type. If I enter a custom display price in the bundled products settings, I can get a price to show up on the product page but it doesn't reflect in the cart. The way this bundle works is they can select any 6 products for $100.
Pics attached. Can you help? Thanks!
Attached files: WPC Bundle Product Settings.png
WPC Settings.png
WPC Custom Display Price.png
WPC Cart Price.png
Wanted to add a pic of the General Tab too. If I change the product type to simple or something other than Smart Bundle, the content appears in that general tab again.
Attached files: WPC Product General Settings Tab.png
Hi Whitney,
We provide premium support exclusively for users who have purchased the premium plugin. Please provide your license key or email so I can verify your purchase.
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