All products can be purchased individually from the store But if a customer wants to buy a bundle, it does not work. The error “Sorry, you cannot proceed to checkout. Please contact customer support.” is displayed and the customer is not redirected to the desired payment provider. (no matter which provider)
This error ONLY occurs with bundles! It is therefore due to the plugin. The theme Astra with Pro is used.
We provide premium support exclusively for users who have purchased the premium plugin. Please provide your license key or email so I can verify your purchase.
All products can be purchased individually from the store But if a customer wants to buy a bundle, it does not work.
The error “Sorry, you cannot proceed to checkout. Please contact customer support.” is displayed and the customer is not redirected to the desired payment provider. (no matter which provider)
This error ONLY occurs with bundles! It is therefore due to the plugin.
The theme Astra with Pro is used.
Hi Jürgen,
We provide premium support exclusively for users who have purchased the premium plugin. Please provide your license key or email so I can verify your purchase.
Best regards,
I tried with this bundle and saw it works fine:
Regarding verification, this is an invalid license key or payment ID. Our license key looks like this: e7130227d79353fafbdxxxxxxxxc0a82
Best regards,
Have you already found an error or do you know why I can't buy bundles?
I have now found and solved the problem.
German Market prevented bundles from being ordered with the function "No free products are allowed in the shopping cart".