It seems that you added a snippet to show the counter above the bundle price. Please remove it since we already have the counter on the right.
If you can't find it, please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, and password) or create a dev/staging site with identical configurations so I can check for any issues.
First example
Smart Bundle with Min / Max items set to 12.
12 Items correctly selected.
"You have selected 17 items
Bundle price: £24.00 £22.80 (saved 5%)Selected: 12"
Second Example
"You have selected NaN items
Bundle price: £35.50 £32.82 (saved 7.5%)Selected: 8"
Attached files: 2025-01-06.PNG
2025-01-06 (1).png
Hi John,
It seems that you added a snippet to show the counter above the bundle price. Please remove it since we already have the counter on the right.
If you can't find it, please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, and password) or create a dev/staging site with identical configurations so I can check for any issues.
Best regards,
I found a snippet here:
I removed it, and it works fine now:
Best regards,