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  Public Ticket #3792896
Edit form does not appear when clicking on the "Bundled Products Menu"


  • Jason Paul Stratos started the conversation

    In the WooCommerce navigator of WordPress, clicking on the Smart Bundle in the "Product Data" window brings up the 'Bundled Products" option in the pulldown menu just fine. Clicking on it does nothing. In the training video an edit form that allow one to enter in a lot of information for the bundle appears, but when I click on the menu nothing appears. Where is the editor that I see in your video? Is there some type of configuration I'm supposed to modify before I see the edit form?
    This is a pretty straight forward process, so I can't imagine why the form doesn't appear when I click on the Bundle Products Menu.

    Attached files:  Support_ticket_WPClever.png

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Jason,

    It still works fine on my side. Please watch the screen-recorded video:

    It may conflict with another plugin on your site, and our plugin doesn't work correctly. Please enable the JavaScript Console to check if there are any JS errors:


    Best regards,

  • Jason Paul Stratos replied

    Yes, you were right, it was a problem with the JavaScript of another plugin which I deactivated. So, I'm trying to figure out how to add a bundle and not having any luck. Not many quality videos on YouTube that incorporate a narrator. I really hate watching a mouse bouncing around a blurry screen so fast that you don't know what's going on. 

    So, from the one video I found it shows searching for products to add to the bundle, but I don't know where those products are housed. Seems like one types in a few letters in a search bar, and possible options popup that you can chose from (Where are the coming from?). Then when he clicks on one of the options it appears populates below the dialog entry box. It has quantity boxes next to the name. I'm not sure how to add these items as there is no save button at the bottom of the input screen.

    I tried entering in new items in WooCommerce and linking to them but haven't got that to work without using the "Group method. I went to the setup and saw where I could link to products (see image #2 below) but not the ones that I added directly to WooCommerce. So, where and how do I like to these products and get them to show up.

    Are there video tutorials somewhere that can walk me thought all of this. I added 3 products directly into WooCommerce using the Group Option (after disabling your plugin) added captions, prices, and they came out perfect. (See image #3 below) Very intuitive.  Up and running in no time. Only thing keeping me from using it is that all the items show in the store, and I want just the bundles to show.

    I hope you'll get these snapshots. This appears to be a simple posting platform that many not support embedded images of spellchecking to help with explanations.



    This is not using your plugin - just the WooCommerce process of adding a Group

    Let me know if there are videos that you know of where I can learn how to create these Bundles.

    Thanks for your time

    Jason Stratos


  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    I don't see your attached screenshot:


    After fixing the JS error, you can create a bundle easily. Please watch the screen-recorded video: 

    Best regards,