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  Public Ticket #3790024
Created Combined terms badge, it does not make difference between "in stock" and "On Backorder"


  •  1
    Indrek started the conversation

    Hi support,
    I have a shop on address (you might not see as I have restrictions for access by countries) and I just bought your premium version, because there was promised an option to have combined badge.
    I made badge for New product called in Estonian "Uus" (new). I put into first position  an option "In stock" and into second option "New release (days) with less or equal to 90 days".
    My idea was to show on all products I have created in 90 days after creation the badge "Uus" (New) if they are in stock.
    Unfortunately the badge is displayed not only on products in stock, but also on products in backorder (see attached file named "Screen...).
    I made also test and I loaded instead of In stock the option On backorder, then only backordered products got the badge "Uus" (New).
    When I turned back into in stock the set up, then again both goods in stock and goods in back order got the badge. Looks your term in stock understanding the status of the product wrongly.
    I have also badge "Järeltellimisel" (On backorder), created by free version of your program and it works well. Appears only on goods not in stock allowed to be backordered. I made also new test badge based only on Backorder status of the product and everything works fine.
    Looks only then it does not work, when I have it as combined together with status new. When I changed stock status into out of stock it works well, no badge on products in stock and on backorder.
    I have also the combined badge "Saabumas" (arriving soon) for goods at back order and not created later as in 60 days. For this setup it works well. It appears only on goods on back order  
    Please have a look into attached pictures about my problem. Looking a feedback and instructions, how to fix situation, because I do not want to have badge "Uus" (New) on products not in my stock (Statuses: 1. Out of stock 2. Backordered).     

    Attached files:  Combined badge New - mix of 2 pictures.webp
      Not combined badge Järeltellimisel (On Backorder) - all ok.webp
      Combined badge Saabumas - everything ok.webp
      screen, how badges displayed.webp

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Indrek,

    Thanks for informing us of this issue!

    We used the function 'is_in_stock()' from WooCommerce, and it returned true for in-stock and on-backorder status :)


    Please update our plugin to the latest version, 3.0.6, and try again. We've fixed it.

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Indrek replied

    Thanks a lot Dustin! Your upgrade fixed the problem. Great job!

    Please give me also advise about free version of Badges application. Would it be ok to delete it and leave only paid version installed?

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Yes, you can deactivate and delete the free version when using the premium version.

    Best regards,