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  Public Ticket #3788605
Force Sell without option to remove the force product from the cart or checkout page


  • Francys started the conversation

    I need to know if the force sell plugin let me set up a force product without the possibility of remove the 'force product" from the cart or checkout page. besides, I need to force syncronize the quantity, if the customer needs to buy 2 products, the force product need to be 2 as well.
    is it possible? I'm wondering if this featura is with the free version or the paid version? because i tried to setup a force sell product likle your demo, and i don't get the same result, the plugin let me take out the force product in my check out page or in my order page. Can you help me, i need the plugin work like your demo.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Francys,

    You seem to be using WooCommerce Blocks for the Cart/Checkout page. These blocks are in development and don't entirely support standard action/filter hooks. So, our plugin doesn't work correctly. Please use the shortcode instead:

    You can also use another plugin from us, WPC Fly Cart, so the buyer can check their cart and finish checkout without accessing the default cart/checkout page. It's compatible with WPC Force Sells.

    Best regards,