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  Public Ticket #3777311
Product Bundle Stock Management Issue


  •  2
    Leo Santis started the conversation

    I have Product Bundle Premium, Grouped Product and Linked Variations installed.

    I’m trying to configure a bundle product that contains one unit of a single and 1 unit of a variable product.

    Stock management is enabled and pre-order is set to no. Group Level stock management enabled as well.


    Single Product – 6 units available in stock.

    Variable Product by Size- S (2 units) – M (1 Unit) – L (3 Units) – XL (2 Units).

    In this example, by logic" customer should be able to purchase:

    2 bundle units if Size S is selected

    1 bundle of M size, 3 bundles of L and 2 bundles of XL, right?

    On stock Tab configuration, if quantity is “blank” or zero, any selection will be displayed as Out of Stock.

    If quantity is set to 2 (e.g.), in this case, customer will be able to select 2 bundles, independent the size selected.

    If customer tries to add to cart 2 units of Size M (only on in stock) an error message will be displayed about stock availability.

    Despite of having 3 Large units available in stock, there’s no way to go for it as gets limited by 2 (I didn’t set up any quantity limitations).

    Considering all sizes available in this example, it could be formed 6 different bundles (limited now by stock of 6 units of the single product) but as soon I had two purchases, product bundles will be out of stock, unless I keep editing manually stock quantity.

    Am I missing something or there’s really an issue about it?

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Leo,

    Please ensure you didn't enable "Manage stock at bundle level"; then, the bundle's stock will automatically be calculated from bundled sub-products.


    If it still doesn't work, please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, and password) or create a dev/staging site with identical configurations so I can check for any issues.

    Best regards,

  •   Leo Santis replied privately
  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Leo,

    Stock can be managed at the bundle level but is still based on bundled sub-products. For example, you can't sell more than six bundles. You can only sell bundles that are less than bundled sub-products. This is a correct logic, right?


    Setting the bundle's stock to ten will change it back to six when you update it.


    All of these issues are described here:  

    Best regards,

  •  2
    Leo Santis replied

    Hi Justin,

    In this particular example, now I could see that if I set the bundle's stock to ten will change it back to six when update it.

    It does the job for us admins in the background, no doubt about it but for customers perspective it may create a source of purchasing frustration.

    Selecting any size of shirt that will have a lower stock than 6 units, anyway the Add to Cart quantity allows you to increase it up to 6. If click so add to cart, I get the error message about stock quantity.

    This logic is not necessary, I mean, if you already set to manage stock at bundle level, why showing below stock quantity? I mean, system will handle anyway what’s possible or not to be purchased, right? We also have displayed stock for each individual product at the product page, which is great, by the way.

    Why not simply limit quantity at Add Cart Button based on customer size option?

    This way, you don’t need to display this stock quantity that will confuse some customers and you’d also eliminate the possibility of errors messages picking quantities can’t be purchased because of stock bundle level control.

    Got it?

    You are probably thinking “what a picky guy” (lol)…. I would love customers think logically same way as we do but reality is quite different and there’s no limit for customers behavior and most of the times we need to think as they do.

    Initially, I think it was a behavior issue and now I believe it’s a suggestion from my side, like I said, it does the job perfectly for us but for customers, I can see a lot of inquiries asking us why they can’t purchase 6 if stock shows availability.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's instrumental for us.

    I've installed an updated version,, for you. Now, it doesn't allow you to change the quantity more than available stock anymore:


    Please clear the cache and recheck it: 

    Best regards,

  •  2
    Leo Santis replied

    It was fantactic !! You not only got the whole point but updated just as good as possible.

    Thank you and keep up with this great work.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    You're welcome!

    If you are satisfied with our plugin and support, please reward it with a full five-star ★★★★★ rating.
    Thank you in advance! ♥

    Best regards,

  •  2
    Leo Santis replied

    Done !