We have not tested compatibility with this plugin before, but I don't think it will cause compatibility issues. To be sure, you can try the free version here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpc-composite-products/. There is no difference with the premium version when adding a composite to the cart.
Hello. How can I get a CartFlow funnel to recognise a WPC composite product please in the add product section? Experimenting to try and make the checkout better.
Also I can't seem to hide the individual component product price.
We provide premium support exclusively for users who have purchased the premium plugin. Please provide your license key or email so I can verify your purchase.
Been using your plugin for a long time and not sure if I ever bought the premium version. where would I find it please.
I'm keen to find out if it works okay with Astra as at the moment I cannot get rid of the component price showing on customer's cart and also if it will work with CartFlow funnels.
If it does then I'd be happy to purchase the premium version if I did not in the past.
Can I use WP Composite with SureCart?
Hi Norman,
We have not tested compatibility with this plugin before, but I don't think it will cause compatibility issues. To be sure, you can try the free version here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpc-composite-products/. There is no difference with the premium version when adding a composite to the cart.
Best regards,
Hello. How can I get a CartFlow funnel to recognise a WPC composite product please in the add product section? Experimenting to try and make the checkout better.
Also I can't seem to hide the individual component product price.
We provide premium support exclusively for users who have purchased the premium plugin. Please provide your license key or email so I can verify your purchase.
Best regards,
Hello Dustin, thanks for the reply.
Been using your plugin for a long time and not sure if I ever bought the premium version. where would I find it please.
I'm keen to find out if it works okay with Astra as at the moment I cannot get rid of the component price showing on customer's cart and also if it will work with CartFlow funnels.
If it does then I'd be happy to purchase the premium version if I did not in the past.
Password - [email protected]