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  Public Ticket #3750605
WPC Grouped Products compatibility with Elementor containers


  • Simone Zuccarini started the conversation


    I'm using Elementor for my website. I've recently updated my pages with containers, flexboxes and grids.

    I've got WPC Grouped Products Pro active.
    I have a test grouped product with 2 products in it.

    When I add the widget "Add to cart" to the page, it works fine with a flexbox set to column vertical. But it breaks when I put it in a flexbox set to row horizontal or a grid: somehow all the elements of a non-vertical direction get moved to the left. Even if on the backend everything looks ok.

    Can you help please?
    Thank you,

    Attached files:  wpc grouped error.png

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Simone,

    Please give me a product link with that issue so I can check.

    I also wanted to inform you that your payment for the WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce — Single site on 2022-02-07 has expired for support. To continue receiving support, please renew your license as soon as possible. 

    Best regards,