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  Public Ticket #3746209
Problems with amount in shopping cart since last update


  •  1
    Marcus Kaptein started the conversation


    On October 14th the plugin WPC Product Bundles was updated to 8.1.2 but since then the bundles won't act normal in the shopping basket.

    After inserting a bundled product one quantity the price is right (19,95 EUR), but when the quantity is set to 2 the price is suddenly 82,22 EUR in stead of 39,90 EUR.

    Everything I raise the quantity the price is just going up the wrong way. For 10 times quantity the price is suddenly 2.103 EUR in stead of 199,50 EUR.

    After disabling the plugin the price of this article is going fine in the shopping basket but aftert that (off course) the products in the bundle are not deducted from inventory.

    Is there something wrong with the newest update?

  •  1
    Marcus Kaptein replied

    I've just updated the plugin to 8.1.4 but still got an issue with it. Is there please someone who can help me?

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Marcus,

    I wanted to inform you that your payment for the WPC Product Bundles for WooCommerce — Single site on 2020-05-30 has expired for support. To continue receiving support, please renew your license as soon as possible. 

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Marcus Kaptein replied

    Ah. That's the reason no one answered? Fine. Than I delete the plugin and try something else. In four years time I've got one question and you want me to renew the license.....