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  Public Ticket #3722874
3 Plugin Conflict


  •  6
    Nghia started the conversation

    Dear WPClever Support Team,

    I am writing to report a potential conflict between three of your WooCommerce plugins that I currently have installed on my website:

    1. WPC Added To Cart Notification for WooCommerce (Premium) - Version 3.0.7
    2. WPC AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce - Version 2.1.0
    3. WPC Buy Now Button for WooCommerce - Version 2.0.8

    These plugins all deal with the process of adding products to cart and checkout, and I believe they may be interfering with each other's functionality. This is causing inconsistent behavior on my site, particularly in the cart and checkout process.

    I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Nghia,

    Please update the plugins below to the latest version:

    WPC AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce - Version 2.1.1
    WPC Buy Now Button for WooCommerce - Version 2.1.0

    Then clear the cache and try again. We've fixed this issue.

    Best regards,

  •  6
    Nghia replied

    I'm writing to express my sincere thanks. The plugin conflict I reported earlier has been completely resolved . All three WPClever plugins are now working perfectly together on my site.