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  Public Ticket #3708215
Variable Product displays "Please select a purchasable variation..."


  • Kevin started the conversation

    I have a bundled product with 4 simple and 1 variable products. The Variable Product contains a Yes and a No variable and defines, whether the user already owns a one time purchasable ID or not. If they choose Yes, which means they already own an ID, then they won't be charged (Price = 0). If they choose No, which means they don't own an ID, then they will be charged the price for the ID added to the bundle. Actually a very simple thing. But it just won't work. I always receive: "Please select a purchasable variation for ECDL ID before adding this bundle to the cart."


    What am I doing wrong here?

    I tried changing layout from list to grid etc. nothing worked. I tried changing stock, did nothing.

    Thank you for your help.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Kevin,

    It seems that the variation swatches on the theme or another plugin don't work correctly with our plugin.

    Please try a free plugin from us instead: It's compatible with WPC Product Bundles.

    You can also try this option:


    Best regards,

  • Kevin replied

    Hello Dustin

    I was on holiday and couldn't respond earlier.

    The radio Button Plugin seems to work. Thanks for your help.