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  Public Ticket #3687714
WPC Variation Swatches for WooCommerce


  • Dennis started the conversation

    Is there a way to use this PlugIn so that I can show product attributes as an image but for non-variation attributes? In our case we want to show certain attributes with an image to increase UX. As impemented, the images are clickable though, but this specific attribute has no effect on the variation. The fact that it is currently clickable creates the impression that it is an attribute i can chose.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Dennis,

    Do you mean the attributes in the Additional Information tab?


    Best regards,

  • Dennis replied

    Hi Dustin,

    For example, yes. Our products have attributes that change the variation (e.g. color, size...) but also attributes who are general for the product itself and do not change the variant (e.g. style or design). I would like to show these non-variation attributes with an image instead of the text. However, when I do that the logos are clickable and create the effect to be somethin to chose from

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Please install an updated version here: then add the custom code below. (How to add custom code? ↗):

    // copy code from this link

    And the result:


    Let me know if it works as you expected.

    Best regards,