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  Public Ticket #3669257
Hiding a product on the product details page


  •  1
    Jane Taylor started the conversation


    I would like to hide a product until a specific date & time. I've used both methods

    - just a reverse 'hidden/before time' action

    - using both a 'hidden/everyday' with a 'visible/after time' action

    and they both work well and hide products from the product listing page until the date/time I set.

    However, with either method the individual product details page is still visible before the date/time if I go to the URL directly.

    Am I missing something, as I presumed the product would be completely hidden from website users anywhere on the website if it is before the date/time I have set?



    Attached files:  WPtimer1.jpg

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Jane,

    We can't disable a product link, so you can use the CSS code to hide the product content instead:

    Please add below CSS code to WP-Admin → Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS:

    body.single-product .product.woopt_set_hidden {
        display: none !important;

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Jane Taylor replied

    Hi Dustin

    That's great, thanks very much. I already have WPCode installed so I've added it as a snippet there instead, and it is hiding the page content before the product becomes visible with your timer. As long as people can't see the content, that's fine.



  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    You're welcome!

    If you are satisfied with our plugin and support, please reward it with a full five-star ★★★★★ rating.
    Thank you in advance! ♥

    Best regards,