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  Public Ticket #3654550
Slow loading composite


  •  7
    Alvaro started the conversation

    I have many composite products, that have 3 from one product and 3 from another. Users cannot change quantity.

    When you press the add to cart button, it takes around 15 seconds to load those items to the cart. That's a lot of time waiting!  

    Even if i disable the AJAX, it takes the same amount.

    I presume the plugin is adding the products from behind, but, is this a compatibility issue with my theme Blocksy, or is it a bug?

    I have 3 other Woo sites with the same issue.

    Please help me solve this.

  •  7
  •  7
    Alvaro replied

    I have also try to use your sidecart floating plugin, and i get the same amount of time 

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Alvaro,

    Please provide me with a product link so I can check it first.

    I wanted to inform you that your payment for the WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce — Single site on 2021-01-12 at 17:12:40 has expired for support. To continue receiving support, please renew your license as soon as possible. 

    Best regards,

  •  7
    Alvaro replied

    This is a copy of the product:

    Password: 1234

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    I did the check and saw it takes 4.18s


    While a simple product needs 4.52s


    Therefore, I don't think the WPC Composite Products cause the slow issue. 

    When adding a composite to the cart, it adds all individual products. So, if adding an individual product is slow, adding the whole composite will take longer.

    Best regards,

  •  7
    Alvaro replied

    Mine takes 12 seconds on admin-ajax.php when it is the first item you add to the cart

    But, when it is the second item, it takes 5 seconds.


    Attached files:  Screenshot 2024-05-29 22.36.24.png

  •  7
    Alvaro replied

    Do you think there could be a incompatibility with the theme or a plugin?

  •  2
    Ellisabeth replied

    @Alvaro I also have issues with the reloading of the page after the product selection is too slow.

    Have you found out a way to solve this? 

    Would be great if you could share your insights.

    Regards, Elisabeth

  •  7
    Alvaro replied

    No Ellisabeth, i haven't.

    WPC also has a plugin that speeds up the process, but it does nothing.

    I resigned actually.

  •  2
    Ellisabeth replied

    Thanks for letting me know. I'll try the wpc plugin to speed things up, who knows...