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  Public Ticket #3646480
Round price in WPC Order Tip for WooCommerce


  •  1
    Aleksandre started the conversation

    Hi, is it posisble to round tips price directly in the plugin WPC Order Tip for WooCommerce? We use tips in "%" and we need to get always price without any decimal. 

  •  1
    Aleksandre replied

    Thanks, but how can I do that please?

  •  1
    Aleksandre replied

    Can you add this feature, or help me with snippet to do it?

  •  1,281
    Dustin replied

    Hi Aleksandre,

    Please add the custom code below. (How to add custom code? ↗):

    add_filter( 'wpcot_tip_amount', function ( $amount ) {
        return number_format( $amount, 0 );
    } );

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Aleksandre replied

    Thanks! And one more thing. Your plugin taker for example 10% tip from the price without VAT. I would need to count it from the price including VAT.How can I do it, can you please help? 

    As you can see on  the screenshot, 548 CZK, I need to get 54.8 Tips, not 46 as it is shown now. 

    Attached files:  Capture.JPG

  •  1
    Aleksandre replied

    Or to be more correct, your plugin counts Tip, but does not apply VAT for it. Is it possible to attach some VAT in woocommerce? And how?

  •  1,281
    Dustin replied

    Please REPLACE the old snippet with a new one:

    add_filter( 'wpcot_tip_amount', function ( $amount, $tip ) {
        $value = preg_replace( '/[^-.,%0-9]/', '', $tip['value'] );
        if ( str_contains( $value, '%' ) ) {
            $amount = ( (float) $value / 100 ) * ( WC()->cart->get_subtotal() + WC()->cart->get_subtotal_tax() );
        return number_format( $amount, 0 );
    }, 99, 2 );

    Now, it will be calculated using the amount after tax.

    We'll implement the taxable option for each tip soon. After that, you don't need to use the above snippet anymore.


    Best regards,