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  Public Ticket #3641157
Eliminar productos de lote


  •  1
    Ignacio started the conversation

    Buenas día, estoy usando este complemento para crear un lote muy grande de productos.

    Mi pregunta es para saber si de alguna manera el usuario puede eliminar alguno de estos productos, es decir, si tengo un lote con 20 productos, el comprador solo necesita 15. ¿Hay alguna forma de eliminar 5 de esos productos para acomodar el lote según sea necesario?

    Quedo atento, muchas gracias.



    Good day, I am using this plugin to create a very large batch of products.

    My question is to know if somehow the user can delete any of these products, that is, if I have a lot with 20 products, the buyer only needs 15. Is there a way to delete 5 of those products to accommodate the lot according to be necessary?

    I remain attentive, thank you very much.


  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Ignacio,

    You can enable "Custom quantity" for all of bundled subproducts, so buyer can change the quantity to zero to remove a product from bundle:


    Moreover, you can also set the minimum/maximum quantity of the whole bundled subproducts here:


    Best regards,

  •  1
    Ignacio replied

    ok, fantastic. Thanks a lot!
