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  Public Ticket #3634877
Bug WPC Composite Products Free Version


  • Darío started the conversation

    Hi guys, I'm trying to use this option. So that only the components are displayed in the cart. Because otherwise my billing system gives me problems. But I see that the option does not work. The composite is still seen, both in the mini cart, as well as the cart and checkout.

    Is there a way to eliminate the composite even through a PHP filter?I'd appreciate your help! I need to resolve it urgently due to a billing issue.

    Thank you so much!

    Attached files:  1.jpg

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Darío,

    This option is used for the counter only:


    If you want to hide component products from the cart/checkout page, please choose this option:


    Best regards,

  • Darío replied

    Hi Dustin, thanks for the answer. I want to hide de composite from the cart and checkout. Not the components. 

    I need that the cart and checkout only shows the components products. 

    Is it possible?

    Attached files:  1.jpg

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    We always need to keep the main composite product on the cart so that the buyer can change the quantity or remove the whole composite.

    You should try another plugin from us: It has an option to decide whether to add the main grouped product.

    Best regards,