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  Public Ticket #3633121
WPC Free Shipping Bar appearing on product page


  • herve started the conversation


    is there an option that shows to the customer, how much left he vae to spend to get the free delivery.

    for exemple, my free shipping is at 29$, he by 3 units for 5€ = 15€, so it will display on the page products: 14€ left to get free shipping.

    I have attached a pic of what i was thinkng about, it would be more revealant.

    If you could help me, i will appreciate, even of if you come with a different solution.

    Thanks for your time

    Best regards,


    Attached files:  wpc bar - free shipping.jpg

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Herve,

    You can use the shortcode below to place the free shipping bar where you want:


    Best regards,

  • herve replied

    Hey Dustin,

    Thanks for your fast replied

    i've tried using a plugin called 'Shortcode Widget' (bcoz i'm not ready to play with the function.php file yet, only if ihave no other options... ):P

    But [wpcfb] still appear as a text.

    Any idea why or what should i do to fix that ?

    I have included 2 screenshots (one with the widget page on woocomerce and the other one showing that the code don't "work"')

    Thx again


    Attached files:  wpc bar - free shipping 2.jpg

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, and password) or create a dev/staging site with the same configurations so I can check and fix any issues.

    Best regards,