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  Public Ticket #3625701
I cannot get it to work...


  •  1
    Tammy started the conversation

    not sure if i didn't buy the right thing or not but i am trying to follow your youtube video SPECIFICALLY about the feature i purchased but i not see what it suggests. What did i miss and did i need to get something else with this because I find it misleading and confusing?..

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Tammy,

    You're using WPC Grouped Product and want to use the radio button selector for variable products, right?

    Please enable "Use WPC Variations Radio Buttons", and also install another plugin from us:


    On that plugin, you can disable it for sitewide; it still works on WPC Grouped Product:


    Best regards,

  •  1
    Tammy replied

    Thank you for the amazing rsponse well I am having trouble determining what all i need to purchase for the following effect. 

    This is what your system is giving me which i am sorry to say not what i need....


    I am trying to get the following effect what do i need to do for this specific effect?


  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    On your screenshot, the first two dropdowns may be attribute dropdowns of standard variable products:


    If you want the quantity dropdown, please use another plugin from us: Here is an example

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Tammy replied

    So this you could help me setup? and if that is the case i'd like a refund or the original purchase and i'd just purchase your 299 bundle as i see many i could use assuming i could get this feature to work otherwise i have to just go back to shopoify.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Yes, I can help you set up and fix any issues when you use our plugins!

    I've issued a refund for your order #66564: WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce — Single site. Now you can buy the All Plugins bundle here

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Tammy replied

    ....umm usually before people issue refunds you make things clear first.... i figured out how to do what i needed.....-.- my god

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Don't worry! You can purchase it again if you want to use it for your sitebigsmile.png

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Tammy replied

    .... your going to make me do all the work again.. my god 1/5 support -.- not going to mess with the other features