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  Public Ticket #3591072
Filtering by price of all products in group


  • Luka started the conversation

    Is it possible when filtering by price to filter by products that are inside the grouped product instead of the price set on the grouped product?

    For example lets say I have a grouped product that contains 3 products with prices 10€, 20€, 30€. When I filter from 15€ to 25€ the grouped product should show on the product page since the second product that costs 20€ falls within the filter.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Luka,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    If the subproducts inside smart grouped are individual products, which are visible in the catalog and shop page, then the subproducts should appear in the results when you filter by price.

    If you choose the hide them from the catalog and search and only make them available inside smart grouped, not as individual products then they won't appear in the results.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Luka replied


    Thank you for replying.

    Yes, the individual products are hidden as I do not want them to show on the product catalog. I want to show the smart grouped product based on the price of its individual products. The reason for this is that our shop is going to sell scales and these scales have a lot of models, but they also have different prices. These modules must be actual products since they have different specifications.

    Your plugin solves this since it can link all these products into one. The only issue I have is with filtering by price.

    It would be great if the filtering worked the way it works with variable products. In a variable product you can set prices for attributes which in turn show the product price as a range on the product catalog. For example if you have a shirt with the color red (10€) and color blue (15€) in the catalog it would show the product price as "10€ - 15€".

    I have decided to set the price of the smart grouped product (a scale in my case) as the lowest price of a model. But my concern is if the price range of the models is for example 2000€ - 2500€ and the customer sets the price filter "products above 2200€" the product would not show, even though it has models in it that are above that price.

    I hope this functionality can be added in the future.

    Best regards