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  Public Ticket #3578972
How can I find out which Bundles a particular product comes in?


  •  1
    Pavlo started the conversation

    My Bundles include many products, how can I see which Bundles a product is connected to in order to be able to delete products and know which Bundles I need to fix after that.


    Attached files:  smurt bundl.png

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Pavlo,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here.

    1. If you want to delete the subproducts to prevent customers from purchasing them outside bundles, you can do the following steps:

    It's possible to prevent customers from finding and purchasing products you created for smart bundles separately outside smart bundles.

    You can kindly refer to this guide then

    1.1. Navigate to WPClever >> Product Bundles >> find the "Link to individual products" option and choose "No" to unlink individual products from the smart bundle.

    1.2. Edit the single product page, adjust the Catalog Visibility of that product to Hidden from search and shop results to prevent buyers from finding individual bundled products and purchasing them outside the bundles. This will do the trick.

    2. If you would like to track all sunproducts added as subproducts for smart bundles. Our developer will provide further guidance.

    Best regards.


    PS: As we are about to be away for celebrating our traditional Tet Holiday and the pending line of customization requests are very long at the moment, if our developers can't reach you back today, chances are you might hear from our developer after February 14, 2024.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Pavlo replied



    My Bundles include many products, how can I see which Bundles a product is connected ?

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Pavlo,

    You can enable this option and then, on a single product page, you'll see all bundles that contain the current product

    We'll develop a feature to find and manage bundles in the backend soon.

    Best regards,