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  Public Ticket #3572324
New woocommerce minicart, cart and checkout pages don't hide the subproducts


  • Fernando started the conversation


    We have follow the instructions in 11. Hide bundled products in mini-cart, cart & checkout? – WPClever Documentations to hide the bundle subproducts in the mini-cart, cart and checkout.

    It doesn't work with the new cart and checkout blocks. There is some workaround while you update the plugin to work with the new wordpress and woocommerce versions?

    Worpress version 6.4.2, woocommerce version 8.5.2

    Thank you

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Fernando,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here.

    I have sent a report to our developers about this. 

    Our developers responded that this is not a bug, but a conflict with the Gutenberg blocks. Since the Gutenberg blocks are still under development, there are many elements missing for some themes and plugins to work properly. Our developers are not capable of fixing those errors at this time with the Gutenberg editor. They said that our plugins and themes are only compatible with the old Classic editor.

    So you can kindly consider switch to using the classic cart page/template for your site to use our themes and plugins properly. Or you can find an alternative plugin in the WP repository that can work with the Gutenberg blocks to avoid this error. Hopefully, we can make it work with the new Gutenberg editor some days.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Fernando replied

    Thank you Janilyn,

    I will follow the plugin evolution