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  Public Ticket #3538281
WPC Fly Cart broken since 5.6.2


  •  1
    Francesco started the conversation

    Hi there, I am asking to follow up to many users in the official WP repo that are complaining about 5.6.2 which is broken.

    These issues came up in 5.6.2 (which seems to be a minor release, anyway it's broken) and users are rolling back to 5.6.0 or 5.6.1

    Since the plugin is great, I (and many others) are kindly asking to fix it

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Francesco,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here.

    I have checked the latest version of this plugin on our test site and live demo, with the latest version of WooCommerce, WordPress and WPCstore theme installed.

    It's working properly, you can check out the live demo here:

    You should check your site after clearing the caches and open it in an Incognito or Private tab to make sure no cookies/caches interfering.

    If possible, you can kindly make a screen recording video of the issue on your site for us to retrieve the process and provide us with your public site link for checking.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Francesco replied

    Hi there

    I have found the issue (which I guess should be general). I am talking of the FREE version in the WP Plugins repo.

    wpc-fly-cart.php ver 5.6.1 line 267 is:

    'cart_url'              => ( ! empty( $hide_pages ) && in_array( $current_page->ID, $hide_pages ) ) ? wc_get_cart_url() : ''

    wpc-fly-cart.php ver 5.6.2 line 267 is:

    'cart_url'              => wc_get_cart_url(),

    So when frontend.js calls for the event on line 220 this way:

    // Menu item
      $(document).on('click touch', '.woofc-menu-item a', function(e) {
        if (woofc_vars.cart_url != '') {
          window.location.href = woofc_vars.cart_url;
        } else {


    woofc_toggle_cart() won't run!

    This is confirmed by running console.log(woofc_vars) on the browser debugger.

    The demo you provided is not affected by the bug because it's running woofc premium which I guess is best taken care of (obviously) as the premium version frontend.js skips that conditional on line 258 of its frontend.js file as follows:

    // Cart
      $(document).on('click touch', '.woofc-cart, .woofc-btn', function(e) {


    So again, as I have helped debugging, please help us all relying on the free version by releasing a fix.

    Thanks in advance and... BOOOOM! MIC DROP!

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Francesco,

    Thanks for the information. I will send these to our developers. 

    Technically, both versions share the same core. It's impossible that the issue was only visible in the free version. 

    I will share a screen recording video here for your reference about how the free version is working on our dev site: - version 5.6.2 & WP 6.4.2, WooCommerce 8.3.1.

    This is in fact might be triggered by something outside of our plugin. Maybe a plugin that is updated at the same time with ours. 

    Our development site and test site install the latest version of WPC plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress and WPCstore theme. 

    In order to check and fix issues of this kind, our developers will need to acquire the admin credentials of the user site. However, for free version, we can't do that on the free public forum on WP. org. We also can't do that here since this forum is for providing post-purchase support for Premium users of our plugin.

    So for your case, I will send the information to our developers so that they can check it further and decide if they need to release an update or not. One of our developers will respond to you when they come to a conclusion about this.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Francesco replied

    Hi Janilyn, to make it shorter for you, it seems that the frontend.js file in the Free 5.6.2 on the wp plugins repo wasn't updated together with the package, as it is the same 5.6.1 file.

    This can be confirmed by just looking via browser at the Premium 5.6.2 file comparing it to the one downloaded via the wp plugins repo.

    There's no need for acces, wp-admin etcetera.

    I'd likely provide a link to web website but it's at development stage so it's not public.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Francesco,

    Thanks for informing us of this issue!

    Please update our plugin to the latest version 5.6.3, clear the cache and try again. We've fixed it.

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Francesco replied

    Thanks Dustin! Btw, all WPClever plugins are great and I love the one-plugin one-functionality approach of them ^_^

    Update: i cannot see 5.6.3 on wp repo

  •  1
    Francesco replied

    Hi there, just to let you know that something's off: i can see that 5.6.3 has been uploaded on svn but the latest version in the plugins directory is still 5.6.2

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Francesco,

    Please try again! Maybe that is the cache from

    Best regards,