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  Public Ticket #3518523
The same attributes are not in the same line when comparing


  • Atul started the conversation


    I have the WP Clever smart compare plugin activated on my woocommerce site. 

    But when I compare the same category products the same attributes are not showing in the same line horizontally for the products. 

    For example, if I compare 3 refrigerators, the attribute 'ice maker' is in the same line for only 2 products. For the 3rd refrigerator product, ice maker comes in another line below. 

    Could you please help me fix this? I need all the same attributes to come in the same line for the same category of products.


    Atul Roy

    Attached files:  Issue.png

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Atul,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    For your information, the attributes are displayed in the order you have added them in the Attributes tab of each single product page. It's impossible to align them as the attributes you added to each product is different. Any similar attribute with empty terms/values will be hidden from the comparison table so it'll be that way.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent