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  Public Ticket #3516020
how to add it with the Product


  • Kinsey started the conversation


    I'm using the Themeco PRO theme. I have a customized page for the shop and a single product page. I need to display a compare button on a single page only.

    I found a way to do this by adding a shortcode [woosc id="522"], whereas 522 is a current product's id i.e. a product that the user is viewing.

    Now I need to know that

    1. is there any way of adding a shortcode that when the user clicks on a compare button then in the pop up they'll see the current product's information.

    2. how to add a shortcode for the common compare button to all the products. like currently I've used [woosc id="522"] this. I need a common shortcode that displays the compare button for all products. Because if i'll use this shortcode with ID than I've to define it for all the products individually like currently i'm doing it with ACF.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Kinsey,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    I have read your questions. Unfortunately, our plugin doesn't have built-in shortcode for your needs. We only have that one shortcode for adding the Compare button to specific products by using the product ID.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Kinsey replied

    Hey Thank you for your clarification.