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  Public Ticket #3491480
Specific Settings Help


  • Matthew started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I have reviewed your useful information here

    But your product seems to be a little complicated for me and I wish to stop my clients customers from purchasing products on their site when they are closed. They are a Chinese takeaway.

    I have currently set 3 actions on my plugin to unsure customers cannot purchase products on my clients site when it is closed on Tuesday and when they are closed (before 4:30pm and after 10:00pm).

    Similar to the actions you mention here on case 3

    However, this was just a test to see if it would work and I need to create actions for more specific opening and closing times.

    See below: 

    Monday: 4:30pm - 10:30pm

    Tuesday: Closed

    Wed - Thurs: 4.30pm - 10:30pm

    Fri - Sat: 4:30pm - 11:30pm

    Sunday: 4:30pm - 10:00pm

    Are you able to help me here?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Matthew, 

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    Sure, we can help you with that.

    You can refer to my action list below:


    More explanations for your references:

    - Each action can only carry 1 date and 1 time part. Date part can be a specific date (ie. 10/01/2023), a weekday (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) or week no., etc. Time part can be added under the date part, when users click on the Add time button then choose a condition with 'time' there.

    - Action that has no date part, for example Daily time range, will imply that the timer is effective for "everyday". Action that has no time part, for example On the date 01/10/2023 with no time conditions under, means 24-hour duration of that specific day.

    - The "Set unpurchasable" timer must always be on top as it's the universal reverse actions that will make your products unpurchasable outside the temporal ranges you specified them to be purchasable. For example, there's no active timer for Tuesday then the first action will make products unpurchasable on Tuesdays.

    You can read our online documentation for more information:

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Matthew replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    Thanks very much for your help.

    I have implemented it and fingers crossed it works. I have no doubt.

    I almost got it myself but was out of order I think. It's interesting to see how your plugin works. 

    If you don't mind I have one or two more questions to ask regarding the plugin. 

    1. Randoms Days closed

    My client does close on Wednesdays without notice. How can I set the products as unpurchasable for these random days without editing or deleting the current "build" you have provided. Maybe he would call me and say we are closed today due to XYZ reason make sure the site is "down".

    2. Planned Holidays

    This might tie into the solution above. If my client arranged holidays in the future do I just add on an unpurchasable date range action after all of your build options for the days they are closed?

    Thanks for your help. 

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Matthew,

    Thanks for the feedback. Your response came when we were out of our business hours already last week so I will continue our session today (Monday).

    1. If your client needs to close the store on Wednesdays, you can go back to the action list, find the "Set purchasable, Weekly on Every Wednesday" action and remove it from the list. 

    Since our plugin will check conditions from the top down the list, so if you add more actions under that to make products unpurchasable, this "set purchasable" will still take effect. You need to remove it from the list since it's specific for Wednesdays only and when our plugin find matched conditions, it will stop checking down. 


    The first "Set unpurchasable, Everyday" action will keep your products unpurchasable on Wednesdays after you remove that action from the list.

    When you need to add that Wednesdays action again, simply add a new action at the bottom, our plugin will still check all the conditions that are set when it's Wednesday. The only action that cannot have its own place changed is the FIRST one (Set unpurchasable, Everyday - universal reverse action for all).

    2. Yes, you are right in this case. The actions list added above only specify the weekdays, not the specific dates. So when you need to specify holiday breaks or vacations, you can simply add "Set unpurchasable, Multiple dates" or "Set unpurchasable, Date range" at the bottom of the list. Actions with specific dates will be prioritized when the date/time are matched.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Matthew replied

    Hi Janilyn, 

    On point 1 I understand. If the client decides to close unexpectedly on any date I just need to remove the action set up for those dates to make sure customers cannot purchase.

    Once those days have past I need to add them again manually. 

    Question: I just want to be clear. When I add the action back in for the Wednesday opening/closing times or any opening/closing times in the future, they cannot go before the first action but they can be placed in any order after that, correct? They don't have to go in date order do they?

    On point 2, I think I understand. If the client closes and goes off on holiday I can simply add in 

    **"Set unpurchasable, Multiple dates" or "Set unpurchasable, Date range"**

    at the bottom of the current list of actions and the store will be closed on the dates I mentioned correct?

    Question: Couldn't this be done for days he closes unexpectedly as mentioned in point 1? I am think it can but only if it's done the day before?

    Thanks very much for your help. 

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Matthew,


    1. Yes, that's right.

    Our plugin will check if there is any action is set for the current date. For example, today is 10/09/2023, any action that has been specified for this specific date will be used. If there are more than 1 action match this date, the action on the higher position will be used.

    2. Yes, except for the very first universal action on top, other actions can be placed in any order.

    You can still drag and drop the actions to re-arrange them in the chronological order so that you can easily preview all actions by the time. Or else, the order won't affect. 

    The first matched action timer will be used when there are more than 1 action for the same date/time. So it's recommended that you should check for the conflicts in setting the conditions.

    For example, if you have 2 actions below in the same list, they won't work at all since the actions are contrary for the same date/time conditions:

    - Set unpurchasable, Weekly on Every Wednesday

    - Set purchasable, Weekly on Every Wednesday

    If you have 2 actions below, it's still acceptable and your product will be unpurchasable since that action is placed higher in the list and 2 actions are not conflicting:

    - Set unpurchasable, Weekly on Every Wednesday

    - Set out of stock, Weekly on Every Wednesday

    3. As long as the date/time for the action you are planning to add hasn't passed, you can change the settings at any time before that. 

    For example, if the current time is 10/07/2023 00:00 and you have configured an action for the date range 10/07 to 10/15/2023, then it might properly won't work, especially when you have a caching plugin on your site. Caches will prevent the real-time update of database until they are cleared or purged completely. So it's better to plan ahead before the chosen date/time or refresh the database until you see the actions working properly after clearing caches.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Matthew replied

    Hi Janilyn, 

    That's great. Thank you very much for all your help in answering my questions. 

    I think I have a better understanding of how your plugin works. 

    Kind Regards