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  Public Ticket #3402387
Can't put bundle in stock


  •  1
    Simon Whyatt started the conversation

    I have a bundle that is showing out of stock and I am unable to put it back in stock:

    I have tried all of the following:

    1. Unchecking the "Track stock quantity for this product" and selecting "In stock"

    2. Keeping the "Track stock quantity for this product" box checked and increasing stock level.

    I have tried both of these options after checking the "Enable stock management at bundle level." then clicking updated, and unchecking the box then clicking update.

    How can I get this bundle onsale again?

    Attached files:  Edit-product-“Bulk-Organic-Grass-Fed-Beef-Box-–-Save-up-to-£43-”-‹-Green-Pasture-Farms-—-WordPress.png
      Edit-product-“Bulk-Organic-Grass-Fed-Beef-Box-–-Save-up-to-£43-”-‹-Green-Pasture-Farms-—-WordPress (1).png

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum.

    1. I have checked your product and the reason why it was not working was due to the variation swatches you were using. You can try deactivating the swatches you're using on smart bundles and check it again.


    If I choose the variation from the drop-down then the bundle is showing in stock.

    For your information: Our developers have investigated this for quite some time and they must declare that our plugin cannot work with any Variations Swatches plugins from other authors. It's because they prevent the proper functionalities of our plugin in the selection method and the conflict is irresolvable.

    So I would like to recommend some methods for you to make it work:

    1.1. Use the Radio Buttons interface:

    You can try using the Radio Buttons interface from the plugin settings for your variable products instead:

    You can learn more about this type of interface here:

    1.2. Try our WPC Variation Swatches plugin:

    To solve this puzzle, we have recently released a new FREE plugin: WPC Variation Swatches for WooCommerce. Check it out. You can add up to 5 different types of swatches on a single page and 2 available styles for your choice: rounded or square as in here We can guarantee this will work since our developers have especially developed this plugin for users to use with other WPC plugins.

    Please try to install it and follow this guide to set up the swatches so that it can work with Smart Bundles/Smart Grouped and other WPC products. This might also solve the issue of incorrect cart total since those chosen variations were not recognized by our plugin, which makes the total wrong.

    This plugin can be easily found from the WordPress repository, please give it a try. 

    2. The whole bundle will go out of stock when one of the sub-products is out of stock.

    Please navigate to WPClever >> Product Bundles >> find the Exclude unpurchasable option and choose "Yes".

    For your information:

    If one of the bundled products is out of stock & this option: Exclude unpurchasable is set to "No", then the whole bundle will be out of stock as well. To make it in stock and purchasable, all of the bundled items must be in stock.

    If you would like to keep the out-of-stock items in the bundle and still allow buyers to see but not to buy them, you can choose "Yes" for Exclude unpurchasable from the plugin setting. 

    Users can still see the out-of-stock items in the backend, but in the frontend, those out-of-stock items will be hidden and customers can still press the Add to Cart button to add other in-stock items in the bundle to the cart. But the out-of-stock item(s) will be removed from the order and the total of the bundle will be recalculated. This will make your bundle purchasable even when there are out-of-stock products inside it.

    3. The stock management at bundle level is enabled but users can only configure a stock quantity that is equal to or lower than that of the sub-item with the lowest stock in the list.

    You can read more about stock in the smart bundles here:

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Simon Whyatt replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    Apologies, I did not receive an email to advise me of a reply, so I did not see this.

    1. I can categorically confirm that this is NOT the problem.

    A) To be clear, as per my previous message, I fixed the bundle by removing the item that only had 1 instance left in stock.

    This is the only reason that the bundle is now purchasable again.

    B) To test again, I have disabled the buttons for selecting variations, changing back to the standard dropdown, and the issue still occurs.

    To reiterate, the problem occurs when:

    There is an item in the bundle which is NOT out of stock, BUT has LESS stock available than the quantity in the bundle.

    For example I just did another test by setting stock of "Sirloin Steaks" to 2 packs remaining (There are 3 in the bundle). The item was hidden from the bundle list, but the bundle became out of stock and was unpurchasable).

    PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO TEST ON MY SITE, as I have put the sirloin steaks back in stock to make both them and the bundle purchasable again.


    Create a fixed bundle with a variety of products, one of which has 3 x

    Set stock of that product to 2 x

    Try and purchase bundle.

    2. I understand how the plugin is supposed to work, the problem is it doesn't work as expected.

    In the above bundle, the expected behaviour occurs in 2 out of 3 situations.

    1. Working: Product in bundle is in stock stock/is managed stock but has more instances than in the bundle - in this case the bundle is purchasable as expected

    2. Working kind of*: Product in bundle is out of stock. The product is hidden from the bundle and the bundle can be purchased, the out of stock items simply aren't added to the cart.

    3 NOT WORKING: Product is in stock, but there is less stock than the quantity in the bundle. I.e. bundle contains 3 x product x, but there are only 2 left in stock. Product is hidden from bundle, but bundle becomes unpurchaseable.

    * I say working kind of, as this is the situation with this product:

    The product is a bundle of 6 x which is out of stock.

    The bundle is still purchasable, which theoretically is correct, but the price is not being recalculated. The customer is therefore charged £33 for nothing which is not ideal to say the least.

    In summary.

    1. There is a bug when stock of an item is below the bundle quantity of that item but more than zero.

    2. There is also a bug when a bundle contains only 1 item and there are none left. It should either recalculate the price charging zero (which I recall it did used to do as it happened before) or better user experience, put the bundle out of stock when ALL items within are out of stock.

    Also, a feature request would be the option to control whether a bundle is purchasable or not when items are in stock or not at the bundle level, not globally, as I have some bundles that I'd like to keep on sale when 1 or more items are out of stock, others where I'd prefer them to go out of stock, but currently this isn't possible.



  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the details. 

    I will transfer your requests to our developers for further considerations.

    1. About the out of stock status, it works as expected when you turn off the Exclude unpurchasable. If enabled, and the stock in a bundle of a product is higher than its own stock, we will consider that it's unpurchasable so customers cannot add them to the cart in that case.


    2. When all of the sub-products are out of stock, the whole bundle is out of stock. In this case, the main total should be recalculated obviously. It's supposed to work that way. maybe there was something wrong in the recent update, our developers will check this out and fix very soon.

    3. About turning on the Exclude unpurchasable option at the bundle level, our developers said that was possible, but they won't make it right away. We have planned some feature updates to it will take time, but we cannot confirm when this will be out for certainty.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Simon Whyatt replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    Thanks for your reply.

    1. How can this possibly be working as expected, it makes no sense.

    My bundle contains 2 x Product A.

    A. If I have 2 + instock I CAN purchase

    B. If I have 0 in stock I CAN purchase

    C. If I have 1 in stock I CAN'T purchase? 

    How does this make any sense?

    The option to purchase or not should always be the same for conditions B and C, less stock available than in the bundle.

    "If enabled, and the stock in a bundle of a product is higher than its own stock, we will consider that it's unpurchasable so customers cannot add them to the cart in that case."

    No, in this condition, the product should be "Excluded from the bundle" and the bundle should still be purchasable, as is the case when there is 0 stock.

    This is the problem.



  •  1
    Simon Whyatt replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    Is there any update on either of these issues?



  •  1
    Simon Whyatt replied

    Any update on this?

    It's getting very frustrating having to manually put the bundles out of stock each time stock levels drop.

  •  1,351
    Dustin replied

    Hi Simon,

    I'm so sorry for the late reply!

    Please update our plugin to the latest version 7.2.7. We added the option "Exclude un-purchasable" for each bundle and also exclude the price of unpurchasable from the total.

    Also, remember to clear the cache before testing again.

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Simon Whyatt replied

    Hi Dustin,

    That's great, thanks!