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  Public Ticket #3332154
Window for decimals with plus/minus buttons too small on mobile


  •  1
    Annabel Laurenssen started the conversation

    Hi, We purchased the WP Clever Product Quantity Pro plugin for adding decimals to our product quantities. We want our customers to be able to click on plus/minus buttons. We set the step value on 0,1. This works perfectly on desktop. 

    But... on mobile the window of the number is too small. So, if a customer clicks on the + button, customer only sees the first number and a comma. F.E. if customer clicks on 2,5, he only sees [2,] - the [5] is "under the plus button". This is on both the product page as in the cart page.

    Can you provide a solution for us?

    Link to a product:

    Kind regards.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Annabel,

    Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We're not available at the weekends so today (Monday) I am able to process your ticket.

    I have assigned one of our developers to help you with that. 

    He’ll be looking into your question and responding with specific instructions as soon as possible. 

    Please stay patient as we're having very heavy workloads, it might take some time for our developers to reach back.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Annabel,

    Please add below CSS code to WP-Admin → Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS:

    .quantity.woopq-quantity-plus-minus {
        margin-right: 5px !important;
    .quantity.woopq-quantity-plus-minus .qty {
        width: 60px !important;
        max-width: 60px !important;
        padding: 0 2px !important;
        font-size: 14px !important;

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Annabel Laurenssen replied

    Thanks for this solution! Works perfect!