Thanks for contacting us here. Sorry for the delayed response. We have just been back from a weeklong vacation so today I am able to respond to you.
I have checked this on our test site and it's working properly:
Maybe something has changed in your theme and that affected our plugin. If you would like us to check it for your site, kindly provide us with a public link to your bundle or your site credentials.
Hi, I have set "Hide bundled products on mini-cart" and "Hide bundled products on cart & checkout page" (attached pic)
But bundle content is still showing in minicart (attached pic).
May be this a bug?
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for contacting us here. Sorry for the delayed response. We have just been back from a weeklong vacation so today I am able to respond to you.
I have checked this on our test site and it's working properly:
Maybe something has changed in your theme and that affected our plugin. If you would like us to check it for your site, kindly provide us with a public link to your bundle or your site credentials.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent