We have received some similar reports like yours about incorrect pricing on the cart page. It was due to the incompatibility between the two plugins.
Unfortunately, our developers haven't been able to find any valid solution for that kind of error. Our developers have temporarily claimed that our plugin doesn't work with any third-party dynamic pricing plugins.
In case you would like to offer other discount methods on smart bundles, you can check out our WPC Price by Quantity or WPC Price by User Role plugin. These are available in a free version as well.
I'm a developer for the company building the plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-advanced-discounts/, and currently we are facing an issue with the subtotal.
We would like to know if you do have a developer documentation for handling that type of case.
and have defined a 50% discount of the product price from our plugin.
Into the store, I noticed the subtotal weren't correct :
and would like to know the filters or actions used in order to make the subtotal calculations and how we can do it.
Thank you
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for contacting us here.
We have received some similar reports like yours about incorrect pricing on the cart page. It was due to the incompatibility between the two plugins.
Unfortunately, our developers haven't been able to find any valid solution for that kind of error. Our developers have temporarily claimed that our plugin doesn't work with any third-party dynamic pricing plugins.
In case you would like to offer other discount methods on smart bundles, you can check out our WPC Price by Quantity or WPC Price by User Role plugin. These are available in a free version as well.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent