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  Public Ticket #3139043
Create 2 Separate Prices for Products


  •  4
    [email protected] started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I want to create 2 separate prices for a product. As follows:

    - 1 price will be the fixed price (This will be the initial price of the main product, which will be discounted to stimulate purchases). This price won't change if the user does not change the quantity of the bundled product listing. Now when the user adds to the cart, this price will be used to proceed with the checkout. This price can be filled in woo's regular price or in a custom field

    - 1 price will take effect when the user changes the quantity in the bundled product list (Because the user changes the number of bundled products, they won't be given a discount compared to the original price) It will calculate and works as usual. When the user adds to the cart, this price will be used for checkout.

    Can you let me know how to do this with your plugin?

    Thanks and looking forward to your update soon.


    Tan Nguyen

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi [email protected],

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    For your case, you can create 2 smart bundles: one with fixed price and Custom quantity option disabled, another with auto-calculate price and Custom quantity enabled.

    Then create a new common attribute for these under Products >> Attributes. Configure 2 terms for this attribute, for example, Fixed combo & Custom quantity. 

    Then assign each other term to each bundle respectively in the Attributes tab of the single product page. 

    Next, use WPC Linked Variation plugin to link these bundles together. They will be displayed as variations of a variable product. When customers click on the corresponding button, they will be brought to the corresponding bundle to make the choice.

    It's something similar to this:


    You can refer to this doc here for more info:

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  4
    [email protected] replied

    Great, thanks for your response. I will try