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  Public Ticket #3032480
Annual setup


  • DicedBeef started the conversation

    I want a product to be available ONLY from April 15-July 31 every year. I set it as unpurchasable every day. and purchaseable for month no. 5, 6, 7.  How do I get it to be purchaseable only the 15-31 in April?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi DicedBeef,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here.

    It would be hard to set up timers for exactly date range from 15 April to 30 April every year. While weekdays, dates, and week no. change every year, so for yearly actions, we need to choose a proximate week no. so that your product can be available for the latter half of April. 

    So you can either use the date range 04/15/2022-04/30/2022 then come back to change the year before the date.

    OR you can choose an approximate 14-day range for week 16 and 17 of each year to start your action. This will be exactly the date range 17-30 April for 2022 & 2023. In 2024, week no. 16, 17, 18 are for 15-30 April.

    It's very difficult to set up a yearly action based on the exact date, so you will need to manually change the year of adjust an approximate range for that.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent