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  Public Ticket #3010285
Same variable product twice or more to the grouped product


  • Kasper Karimaa started the conversation


    How can I add same variable product twice or more to the grouped product?

    This is essential in my case, since the client needs to order at least 2 of the same product with custom colors in my case to complete the full product.

    Thank you for all the help in advance!

    Best regards,
    Kasper Ilmari

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Kasper,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    You can go to the plugin setting under WPClever >> Grouped Product then in the Search section, choose "Yes" for the "Accept same products" option >> Update options. Then you will be able to add the same products or different variations of the same variable parent product to the same grouped product. 

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent