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  Public Ticket #3000130
Confict with Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce by ORION


  • Mauriac Azoua started the conversation

    Hello, hope you are doing well;
    There is a conflict with our product and yours .
    Here is the thing, after apply discount on a bundle product, the discount doesn't apply as you can see here.

    Do you have any hook where we can update the product price accordingly? any documentation for developer?

    thank you.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Mauriac,

    Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We're not available at the weekends so today (Monday) I am able to process your ticket.

    May I ask if you are the author (or one of the developers) of the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin? Is this plugin available on the WordPress repository for us to try?

    After receiving your feedback, I will send your ticket to our developers so that you guys can discuss further to find a solution.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Mauriac Azoua replied

    Hi there, thanks for your answer, yes I'm one of the developer of plugin; yes it's available on, and sent you the link in my first message.
    Please let me know when your developer can handle this.
    Thank you 

  • kamran replied

    Thanks for your help its very important for my site ERUS

  • Mauriac Azoua replied

    Hello any news about this?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Mauriac,

    Thanks for the details.

    I would like to update a bit about your issue: I have sent your information to one of our developers and he will be responding to you as soon as possible. It often takes about 24-48 hours for our developers to have the first touch on a new case.

    For issues concerning third-party conflicts, it would take more time than expected. Please stay patient in the meantime cause our developer will need some time to investigate the cause of this issue.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    Hi Mauriac,

    Thanks for your interest in our plugin!

    Our plugin has two ways to calculate the price: auto-calculated from bundled products or fixed price

    So, if you use a fixed price, you can set the discount rules for the main product (bundle) ID or product type is 'woosb'.

    If you use auto-calculated price, you can set the discount on the order subtotal ->

    Best regards,

  • Mauriac Azoua replied

    Hi Dustin,

    Thanks for replying, what we need is a code solution to change the product price directly by applying discount that user define with our plugin. Do you have any hook that we can use to change the price of product created by your plugin? Especially when the product price is fixed

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    When using a fixed price for a bundle, all bundled products will have zero price, the main bundle product (type woosb) will have its own price which is set on the General tab.

    - If you want to check a product is a bundle, please check the product type is 'woosb' or not
    - If you want to check a cart item, you can check if isset $cart_item['woosb_ids']

    Best regards,

  •  1
    zain replied


    Thanks, It's Very important for my website

  • james replied

    Did you get the solution of your problem? I am facing the same issue 

  • uzair jutt replied

    be gratefull for rest of my life it really helped me for my website I wa facing this issue from couple of days 

  • eva elfie replied

    Have you found a solution to your issue? I'm having the same problem with my site

  • william replied

    Thankyou for helping this is solution for my site bestdubaistorage