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  Public Ticket #2925066
Filter by price in the catalog


  • Дмитрий Родин started the conversation

    I set up filtering of products by price (descending), but the bundle products appear at the end of the list of all products, although their price is higher. How to fix it? Thanks!

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Дмитрий Родин,

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We’ve received your ticket but we're not available at the weekend so today I am able to process your ticket. 

    However, the description is not enough for us to find the cause of the problem. Please provide us with a link to your published product for checking? 

    We will need to check the frontend before giving further instructions.

    After receiving your information, I'll proceed to the next step. 

    Best regards. 

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Дмитрий Родин replied

    Hi. Look here  Filtering by descending price 

    But at the end of the bundle  products

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Дмитрий,

    Thank you for the details.

    I have assigned one of our developers to help you with that. He’ll be looking into your question and responding with specific instructions as soon as possible. 

    Please stay patient as we're having very heavy workloads, it might take some time for our developers to reach back.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    Hi Дмитрий,

    It still works correctly on our demo page, so I need to access your website to check.

    Please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, password). You also can create a dev/staging site with the same configurations then I'll work on it. Please remember to mark your reply is PRIVATE.

    Best regards,

  •   Дмитрий Родин replied privately
  • Дмитрий Родин replied

    I installed the plugin on a test site - the sorting is correct there. And on my main site, the wrong

  • Дмитрий Родин replied

    Hello! Please tell me if you were able to find a solution to this problem?

  • Дмитрий Родин replied

    On my problem, I found some points.
    The problem has something to do with the thousands separators of the product price. If the thousand separator is set in the WOO settings - "dot" "." then problems with your plugin begin. Moreover, the product must be created after enabling the setting with the "dot" separator
    If such a product is created, then filtering problems begin. If you disable the plugin, then the price of "bundle" goods becomes 1000 times lower. (after disabling the plugin, before disabling the plugin
    Other delimiters (such as spaces and commas) do not have this problem.


    По своей проблеме я нашел некоторые моменты.

    Проблема как-то связана с разделителями тысяч цены товара. Если в настройках WOO установлен разделитель  тысяч - "точка"   "."  то начинаются проблемы с вашим плагином. Причем товар должен быть создан после включения настройки с разделителем "точка"

    Если такой товар создан, то начинаются проблемы с фильтрацией. Если отключить плагин, то цена товаров "бандл" становится в 1000 раз ниже. (после отключения плагина, до отключения плагина

    С другими разделителями (например, пробелы и запятые) такой проблемы не наблюдается