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  Public Ticket #2902203
Which plugins are required to achieve the desired product configuration


  • Brian Cotton started the conversation

    Hello, I am building a new store. I sell engine monitoring systems. They consist of a header unit, options of cables and options of sensors and adapters. When you buy a kit, you must have a head units, choose any 1 of two cables then you can choose 0 to 4 different 'functions'. Each function consists of a collection of loose products. There are different collections depending on car model. I currently have a composite product as the final product, inside it I have loose items as well as a bundled product. It all seems to work, however, at the top under the product name, it says in big bold text 'From R4140' and the first 2 items (compulsory) have red asterisks. But, rather hidden, right at the bottom, just above the add to card in plain text is the current price R 7975.04 which is the 'as selected' price. I feel this is not clear enough. Can both prices be listed at the top, the 'Minimum price' and the 'Price as selected'  Here is the live example: 300 Tdi Kit - MadMan Developments (Pty) Ltd

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Brian,

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. 

    We’ve received your ticket and assigned one of our developers to help you with that. 

    He’ll be looking into your question and responding with specific instructions if this is possible to be done. 

    Please stay patient as we're having very heavy workloads, it might take some time for our developers to reach back.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Brian Cotton replied

    Hi Janilyn,

    I did not receive a response to my below query. I asked on a forum about some issues I have with smart bundles inside a composite product and the response was that it cannot work like that.

    Well, it does work, but there are some issues, they do not seem to be complicated but cannot tell. I want to know if you will be willing to fix the issues or customise the plugins to work as needed, maybe if I pay for the support or something. I really need help to fix this but the forum response is slow. 

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    Hi Brian,

    Do you want to show the prices like that

    If yes, please send me your website credentials (wp-admin link, username, password) then I can do that for you. You also can create a dev/staging site with the same configurations then I'll work on it.

    Best regards,

  • Brian Cotton replied

    Hi Dustin, Thank you for the prompt response. Login details are at the bottom. 

    Lets use this product below for explanation....

    Ford Ranger 2.2 - MadMan Developments (Pty) Ltd

    As you have in your example, the 'from' price and the 'Selection' price display will be excellent, thank you. Please make the text 'Selection' read 'Your Selection'

    Some points to note:

    The first selectable smart bundle (EGT Kit A) is created with zero discount, notice that the price does not pass to the cart or the 'Selected' value in blue. In fact, the product is ignored.
    The next product (Coolant Temperature  Kit AH32) is created with a discount of 1%, this price is passed to the cart and the 'Selection' in blue and it works ok. Somehow the zero discount is breaking the first product. Can you please correct this ?

    If I add up all the items selected, the total is not exactly the total in the cart. If I add the products separately from simple products or even add up the smart bundles, the cart is off by a small amount (Not related to discounts) please check the totals.

    Last thing: In the category view, (FORD), the Ford Ranger 2.2 product is shown with a 'From' price of R4000. This value was typed in, it is not dynamic, this is misleading to the customer, can this value show the 'Selected' price dynamically instead of the fake value ? 

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Login Detals:

    I deleted the login details as I am not sure if they were secure. How do I send the login details to you securely ?

  • Brian Cotton replied

    Hi Dustin, Just following up on your offer to take a look at the pricing on my site ?