I really like the idea of having the WPC Product Timer, however, we would like to use the timer as a duration limit. So that after a vendor (we are using WCFM) has published a product, it automatically goes out of stock after x days. Is this possible?
For example, a seller lists a fresh mushroom under its category, and after 5 days, the product automatically goes out of stock. Is this possible?
We have received some requests about making products out of stock after x days of publication. However, after some consideration, our developers responded that it's not possible for us to add such a feature to our plugin. Sadly, this cannot be done in the near future as well.
I really like the idea of having the WPC Product Timer, however, we would like to use the timer as a duration limit. So that after a vendor (we are using WCFM) has published a product, it automatically goes out of stock after x days. Is this possible?
For example, a seller lists a fresh mushroom under its category, and after 5 days, the product automatically goes out of stock. Is this possible?
Hi Andy,
Thanks for contacting us here.
We have received some requests about making products out of stock after x days of publication. However, after some consideration, our developers responded that it's not possible for us to add such a feature to our plugin. Sadly, this cannot be done in the near future as well.
Best regards.
Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent