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  Public Ticket #2887540
Showing availability days?


  • Dolores Costa started the conversation

    Hi, guys! I'd like to know if it's possible to show number of availability days for every product as we can see in discounts or any additional information in an e-shop. 

    Example: - If you look at single products, you can read: "14 days left". Can we do this with WP Product Timer?

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    HI Dolores,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    You can combine WPC Product Timer and WPC Countdown Timer plugins from our team.

    - Product Timer: Set the actions for products in the backend.

    - Countdown Timer: Display a live timer in the front end to notify customers about the sale time.

    You can set up the same starting and ending times for these timers to have this feature.

    The countdown timer is for the front-end display only and can be displayed in the shop archive like this:


    If you don't want it to take much space you can try the flat type for the countdown timer:


    You can read more here for further instructions:

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent