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  Public Ticket #2855911
The discount is applied on sale price


  •  1
    Edson started the conversation

    The discount of the component is applied on sale price and not to original price. This means we are giving to our customers more discounts than we are supposed to, so we are losing money because of that. The tooltip of the plugins says that the porcentage that we wrote is supposed to be applied on ORIGINAL PRICE.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Edson,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here. Sorry for the late reply. We've been running a thorough checkup of our system these days so support is slower than normal. 

    Indeed, our plugin will calculate the new price of components based on the valid price of each product. For example, when a product is on sale for $15 while the regular price is $18, WooCommerce would disregard the regular price and take the sale price as the main price. 

    I will consult with our developers about this to see if we can add a new feature to calculate the components' price from the regular price. 

    For now, kindly use the amount discount instead of percentage, you can put a number in the New price box of each component to set a new price for them.

    Or you can try another plugin from us that already has this feature: WPC Product Bundles. You can read more about this on the online documentation:

    If there is any response from our developers about this, I will keep you posted. On these days, communication might take time, please pardon our delayed responses. We're checking the security and upgrade our system thoroughly to better serve our users.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1
    Edson replied

    Hello Janilyn,

    It would be awesome if you could check it with your developers.

    I used to have bundles on my site, but composite products are more personalized for the customers. Also, setting a fixed price doesn't work for us, because we have products of different qualities and, in consecuence, different prices.

    I'm pretty sure this will be a huge upgrade for this plugin. For example, if I run a sales campaign, I would have to 1) desactivate all the composite products through all the campaing or 2) check each composite product discount to change it accordingly to the sale price. With that upgrade, there won't be necesary to do such things.

    Anyway, thank you for the reply. Hope to hear from you soon and the developers approved for that functionality on the plugin.

    Best regards,

    Edson Valdivia

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    Hi Edson,

    Please add the below custom code (How to add custom code?)

    add_filter( 'wooco_product_original_price', 'wpc_wooco_product_original_price', 10, 3 );
    function wpc_wooco_product_original_price( $price, $product ) {
        return $product->get_regular_price();

    Best regards,

  •  1
    Edson replied

    Hello Dustin,

    The code works perfect.

    Thank you so much!

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    You're welcome!smile.png

    If you are satisfied with our plugin and support, please reward it with a full five-star ★★★★★ rating.
    Thank you in advance! <3

    Best regards,