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  Public Ticket #2848271
Wishlist Icon header


  •  2
    Duong started the conversation


    I'm using Smart Wishlist free version, I know we can add the wishlist text in the menu.

    But how can I add the wishlist icon like on your demo to the menu?

    I can't find the instruction in the documentation.


  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Duong,

    Thank you for contacting WPClever Support Forum. 

    We’ve received your ticket and assigned one of our developers to help you with that. He’ll be looking into your question and responding with specific instructions as soon as possible. 

    Please stay patient as we're having very heavy workloads, it might take some time for our developers to reach back.

    Best regards.

    PS: I received a piece of news from our developers that we will have a periodic thorough checkup on our system in a few days so customization support might be a bit slow. 

    During the process, there might be some issues concerning the communication and response from us. Don't worry, we will try our best to work on your case as soon as possible.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  2
    Duong replied

    I'm sorry, any updates! 

    If it's possible, I will intergrade your plugin with my premium theme.

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Duong,

    Please try below PHP code:

    if ( class_exists( 'WPCleverWoosw' ) ) {
        <div class="site-header-wishlist">
            <a class="header-wishlist" href="<?php echo esc_url( WPCleverWoosw::get_url() ); ?>">
                <span class="count"><?php echo esc_html( WPCleverWoosw::get_count() ); ?></span>

    Best regards,

  •  2
    Duong replied

    Hi Dustin, 

    Thanks for the code!

    It can get the wishlist data, but we need to refresh to see the content after adding the product to wishlist.

    Please check my video here!

    Is there a code that I can get the content live update?


  •  2
  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Yes, you can change the count by adding JS code.

    jQuery('body').on('woosw_change_count', function(event, count) {
      jQuery('.header-wishlist .count').html(count);

    Best regards,

  •  2
    Duong replied

    Work perfectly.

    Thanks very much!

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    You're welcome!smile.png

    Feel free to submit a new ticket if you have any questions when using our plugin.

    Best regards,