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  Public Ticket #2832629
Using variable products in a composite product.


  • Giulia Ghiazza started the conversation

    Hello, I'm currently using the premium version of your plugin, WPC Composite Product. I need to set up a composite product in which one of the products is a variable one. I have two different problems and therefore two different questions.

    The first one is: when I set the product as an option, clients can choose from the variables but they all have the same name. How can I let people know which variable is which? 

    The second one is: I want the price to change based on which variable is chosen. Is it possible? 

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    joe replied

    I did it using the standard attributes and added them and then created the variations. Then add the price in the variation. 

    On your first question I made products that had a name that had more description in it and when you add a attribute then you get that added to the name. If you have more than 1 attribute this will not work. At least it didn't for me. So I made products with single attributes that were variable products.

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    Janilyn replied

    Hi Giulia,

    Thanks for contacting WPClever Support Forum. We're not available at the weekends so today I am able to reach back to you.

    For your information:

    1. By default, WooCommerce doesn't display attributes in variations of the variable products when there are 3 or more attributes.

    In order to make attributes of variable products appear again, you can try to add the following code snippet to the theme/function.php file of your site:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_variation_title_include_attributes', '__return_true', 99 );

    2. The price can be updated based on the chosen variation like this

    Please note:

    - You must use either Include or Exclude base price for the pricing. Only base price will  make the price fixed to the price entered in the General tab.

    - You must configure a different price for each variation. Don't use the "Any..." variations for your variable products. Our plugin requires every variation to have a specific value.

    - Leave the "New price" box blank for components that you would like to use their original varied prices.

    For more information, you can read our documentation here:

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Alex N replied

    I'm having this same issue, however I only have 1 attribute and it still displays only the generic name of the component without attributes.

    I can see here it is working on the demo, however it would just show "Hoodie" on mine.

  • Alex N replied

    I was able to resolve this by adding the code snippet. I thought that was only needed with 3 attributes per the comment below.

  • Ron replied

    we have the same issue. code didnt work. how did you solve it?

  • tivog14017 replied

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