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  Public Ticket #2810613
Compatibility issue with Webtoffee Order Import / Export


  • Ludenbois started the conversation


    I would like to report a compatibility issue with Webtoffee Order Import / Export.

    Force sells plugin seems to had <span> - </span> with every product name which is then considered as a PHP issue when importing CSV data on the third party plugin.

    For now, I have to disable force sells to make importation works correctly every time I need it.

    It tooks me some time to figure out the problem, and I guess I won't be the only person encountering this issue.

    It would be nice to see it fixed in a future update. ;)



  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Ludenbois,

    Thanks for contacting us here and reporting this issue.

    This is, in fact, the first time we receive such a report with the mentioned plugin. I will send your ticket to our developers for further checking this issue. Hopefully, we will find a way to work that out soon.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,355
    Dustin replied

    Hi Ludenbois,

    Thanks for informing us on this issue!

    Please help us try the updated version here and tell me this issue was fixed or not. We'll release an official updated version later.

    Best regards,