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  Public Ticket #2777103
Problems with three attributes products


  • Antonio started the conversation

    Dear all. I'm having problems when a tshirt which customer must select the size, colour and type of t-shirt want to select. In those case of t-shirts with three option the product don't show any of them and only show the name of the product so the customer don't know which option select.

    I don't have problem when the product only have two kind of attributes like size and colour, in those cases appears the product title and the colour and size, so the client choose perfectly the option they are interested...but when one more attribute is present nothing appears.

    Thank you

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Antonio,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    We're not available at the weekend so today I am able to process your ticket.

    By default, WooCommerce doesn't display attributes in variations of the variable products when there are 3 or more attributes.

    In order to make attributes of variable products appear again, you can try to add the following code snippet to the theme/function.php file of your site:

    '__return_true', 99 )

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  • Antonio replied

    Thank you very much. I dont' know so much about php so i have copied and pasted your code and i recive an alert about an error in syntax (see attached)

    Could you help me please

    kind regards

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Antonio,

    Thank you for the feedback. I have assigned one of our developers to help you with that. 

    He’ll be looking into your question and responding with specific instructions as soon as possible. 

    Please stay patient as we're having very heavy workloads, it might take some time for our developers to reach back.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  1,356
    Dustin replied

    Hi Antonio,

    This code is missing a semi-colon (;) at the end, please correct it:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_variation_title_include_attributes', '__return_true', 99 );

    Best regards,