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  Public Ticket #2748254
Scripts and Styles just in Correct pages (Admin)


  •  1
    Sven Möller Solis started the conversation


    First of all thank you for your plugins, you're awesome.

    We would like to introduce you a concern from our side. Many of the scripts and styles load in Admin side on pages where it is not required to load, for example, plugins page, orders page, edit order, etc... this leads to a slight down performance on speed. 

    It would be great that scripts for example "dragarrange", "wooco-backend" and others just be loaded in pages where they may be used in Admin side. Same for styles.

    By other hand, scripts like "wooco-frontend" and "ddslick" also should not be loaded on pages that wont load any Composite product. Same for Styles.

    This may boost speed on this sites, requiring less time to execute JQuery, less https request and lighter pages.

  •  767
    Janilyn replied

    Hi Sven,

    Thanks for contacting us here.

    I have transferred your ticket to one of our developers so that he can check and give you further help. He might need to further discuss with you, so please in touch.

    He'll start working on this and will be responding as soon as he's available for support. 

    Please stay patient meanwhile cause this might take some time under our current heavy workloads.

    Best regards.

    Janilyn T. - WPClever Support Agent

  •  153
    Henry replied

    Hi Sven,

    Thanks for your helpful information. We will review and improve this issue in new versions of the plugin

    Best regards,
    Henry N.